The Kindergarteners at High Tech Elementary North County began their Love Our Lagoons project in January 2020. They visited the San Elijo and San Dieguito Lagoons for their fieldwork experience. Each student chose a different lagoon animal to research facts and study more closely. Students created multiple drafts of scientific sketches by also studying the physical attributes of their lagoon animals.
During distance learning from March to June 2020, students continued their research and study while at home. Students learned about the biodiversity that our lagoons help cultivate and the natural processes of food chains. Our students brought closure to the lagoon project by authoring informational books on their animals. After some reflections on the human impact on lagoon habitats and their animals, students also created a virtual conservation message to help preserve these important natural environments.
The HTeNC Kindergarteners culminated the year with a presentation of learning where students shared their knowledge virtually with their teachers, family and friends, while also reflecting on their experience. We are proud to team up with the San Dieguito River Park with video presentations of our HTeNC Kindergarteners, from each class, voicing the importance of preserving lagoons in San Diego and across our world.
Mr. Lopez, Ms. Park and Ms. Petrovich, High Tech Elementary North County Teachers