Spring has finally sprung, as many migrating birds were coming through. We had a total of 111 species, none new this time so our cumulative total remains at 266.
Species of interest included Bell’s Vireo in areas 1, 2, & 3; decent numbers of Yellow Warblers, Wilson’s Warblers and Yellow-breasted Chats throughout; Black-headed Grosbeaks in areas 2, 3 & 5; W. Tanager in area 2; Pacific-slope Flycatcher in areas 2, 3 & 5; Ash-throated Flycatcher in areas 3 & 5; and Lazuli Buntings in area 3.
Least Terns update:
A small migrating flock (4-8 individuals) of Least Terns arrived in the lagoon on 25 April and stayed for just three day. On 6 May a larger group of terns with 14 individuals arrived and began landing on the western sites of the lagoon. As of 8 May there were up to 22 Least Terns with two to four pairs site selecting at both western sites.
PDF document (opens in new window )with results for the May 2023 count.
PDF document (opens in new window) with the detailed monthly results through May 2023.