Palomar Audubon Society Trip Leaders guide birders around different areas of Lake Hodges, like Del Dios Community Park, the Boat Dock, and Bernardo Bay, every year in spring and fall. The list of bird species seen is then posted on the PAS website. SDRP has compiled the lists since October 2013 into a PDF document.

54 bird species were identified in March 2019, and 2 were new to the list: Phainopepla and House Sparrow.
54 bird species were also identified in September 2019, and 1 was new to the list: Scaly-breasted Munia.
38 bird species were identified in November 2019.
The cumulative total over the past 20 bird walks is now 130 different species.
The featured image of a Phainopepla was taken at Bernardo Bay Natural Area by SDRP Trail Patrol Volunteer Ginni Kitchen in December 2017.
According to The Cornell Lab All About Birds website, Phainopeplas live mainly in the desert southwest and Mexico and eat primarily mistletoe berries.
Learn more about the Palomar Audubon Society and view their trip reports on their website.