The Osuna Trail segment of the Coast to Crest Trail will extend the CTC Trail by one-mile and include a bridge crossing over the San Dieguito River. The Coast to Crest Trail is a regional multi-use trail for hikers, bicyclists, and equestrians. Approximately 49 miles of the planned 71-mile CTC Trail is complete and the Osuna segment represents the 50th mile in the regional trail. The Osuna trail segment is located in the Fairbanks Ranch area east of Del Mar and Interstate 5, between Via de la Valle and San Dieguito Road. It represents a vital link in the Coast to Crest Trail connecting the lagoon trail segments to inland trails. The project includes a bridge crossing over the San Dieguito River, interpretive signs, fencing, and avoids sensitive riparian habitats. Currently, the JPA is in the process of obtaining required construction permits and is anticipating breaking ground in late 2024.
The project is funded by state grants and local donations including a $1.37M Trails and Greenways grant, and a $1.4M state award through Senator Catherine Blakespear, District 38.
For more information, see the CEQA documentation (PDF).